Bacteria prevention can feel like an uphill battle at times. Trying to keep Infectious bacteria away from you and your love ones can be a large task for any one person. The following are a few tips and tricks you can do to help prevent the spread and growth of infectious bacteria’s in your house and may help keep you and your loved ones healthy and illness free.

One of the best tips for preventing bacteria growth is to wash your hands as often as you can. Many people do not realize by simply washing your hands after you do things, such as using the restroom, coming in from outdoors or coming home from work, you can dramatically decrease the chances of spreading harmful bacteria. If you have small children, having them get in the habit of washing their hands at appropriate times can often help them learn the importance of bacteria prevention, and they may be more likely to carry this habit on through adulthood. Also, keeping your hands away from your mouth, nose and eyes can help keep you healthy and free of infection.

Animals can be another source of harmful bacteria’s. If you have pets of your own, keeping them well groomed and brushed may help minimize the amount of harmful infections your pet could be carrying. Washing your hands after petting or playing with any type of animal can also help prevent you from getting sick and passing germs along to others.

When looking to improve bacteria prevention in your home another great tip is to avoid sharing personal belongings; especially personal hygiene items, like your personal razor or toothbrush which can harbor harmful bacteria and infection. In addition, food preparation can be a breeding ground for food-borne illnesses and germs. Preventing the growth of germs while cooking should be a high priority. You can help prevent the growth of germs and food-borne illness by using separate cutting boards for things like meats and vegetables. Also, you should refrigerate all food within two hours of preparation. When foods are refrigerated it slows or stops the reproduction of harmful bacteria’s, preventing illnesses, such as food poisoning.

Another great tip for bacteria prevention is to stay home when you are sick. Avoiding public places, such as work or school, while you are ill, can help keep harmful infections from spreading and becoming a danger to the other people around you.

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