Pet grooming is more than just making your pet look its best. When you take your pet for grooming in Orange, CA, you’re basically getting a check-up to make sure that there aren’t any burrs or injuries that are being hidden by long hair. Being dirty isn’t the only problem that can be solved with regular pet grooming appointments, and it’s important to find someone here in Orange, CA who will groom your pet and make sure that everything is okay and your pet is healthy.

Dealing with Pests

One thing you and your pet have in common is a dislike for fleas and ticks. An animal that goes outdoors or has other pet friends is going to pick up fleas or ticks from time to time, and while it’s uncomfortable for your pet, it’s also a bit scary for humans. Insects carry diseases that can be dangerous to humans without causing serious harm to your pet. As a result, it’s not uncommon that pets bring in insects that then bite their owners. Regular pet grooming in Orange, CA will make sure that any insects are taken care of.

Top Groomers Look for Signs of Injury or Disease

If your pet goes outside and has access to insects, like ticks and fleas, you probably want to schedule pet grooming fairly regularly. But you also know that your pet could get a cut or scratch that you may not even realize is there. A skilled groomer is going to carefully check for any hidden injuries or problems that would otherwise be causing your pet pain and discomfort. Don’t put off your regularly scheduled pet grooming. You never know what your groomer might find.

Helping with Grooming Stress

Many animals get stressed out by grooming. Either they don’t like baths or they are uncomfortable when someone is brushing and touching them. For these situations, the persona who handles pet grooming for you and your pets needs to be sensitive and aware. You should warn them that there may be problems of stress and see if they have any suggestions. Sometimes sedation is necessary to make sure that both your pet and the groomer are safe and comfortable during pet grooming. But another option is to undergo proper training, which will help your pet to get used to the idea of regular grooming. Any pet can benefit from learning a new way to stay in control, and being comfortable while getting groomed is important for your pets health and well-being.

If you’d like to find a skilled and experienced pet grooming in Orange, CA, find out more about good grooming practices from the folks at OC Veterinary Medical Center.