As with so much in life, data center companies are not all created equally. Whether you know you require a data center or are interested in finding out how they can help you, choosing companies is the most important part of the process. There are many available data center companies out there, so it is important to know what you want and be assertive to find it.

DCIM: What is it?

Data Center Infrastructure Management, or DCIM, allows you to handle both facility management information technology so that you can plan better, be more productive and keep your information safe.

This can be done through various types of software, which can allow users to run better operations and improve designs of data center infrastructure. This type of software eliminates the need for databases such as Excel and allows you to have the information you require across all of the organization’s domains.


You need to choose the data center company that makes everything easy to understand. You’ll likely know a little bit about DCIM as you have decided to consider that option. However, you can learn more in-depth about the software, how it works and why it works. Companies should also help you get started, either through a helpful guide or walkthrough.


While it can seem a moot point to consider testimonials, look for those that are from the press and other industry leaders to ensure that the company you select can truly do everything they say. Data center companies that include these testimonials from industry analysts are proud of their abilities and their product and are likely going to be more willing to help you choose the right options for your business.


You are seeking out DCIM because you need solutions to difficult problems. The company you select should know this, understand it and want to help. Ensure that the programs are easy to maneuver and understand. If you don’t usually handle data center needs, make sure the person who does is with you to help you choose the right company. They should understand the software and ensure it will handle everyday management needs, along with easing the decision-making processes for power and environmental monitoring and asset management.

You should also ensure that the software will not only help you or the data center manager right now, but will also be able to help them in the future. This means that the software should be updated when needed.

Data center companies should be chosen based on their performance for other companies. Consider the best with DCIM by Raritan.