Science changes the world and the ability of man every day. Sometimes it leads us to question, “Where is God in the Modern World?” When we read the bible we read of many examples in which faith is tested and strengthened by visitation from God and angels. Yet in today’s world such stories do not exist and in fact when they do it is more likely than not that we as a society will question the person’s sanity instead of their faith. With less and less visible and viable signs of God’s existence it is even more important for us to look to the bible as a reminder of God’s existence and the mysterious ways he works.

The Power of Faith

Faith in the teachings of the bible gives you the strength to live in a world full of doubt and sadness. When you read the bible you can discover words that speak to you and that have personal meaning to you and perhaps things you are going through in life. God exists, yet many in the world of science view God much as they view Santa Claus. If they cannot prove it then it cannot be true. Faith is the ability to believe even when there is no tangible proof. Your faith is the ability to feel God in your heart and see his work even in a world filled with strife and confusion.

Reassurance from the Bible

Bishop Bernard Jordan is an example of someone who keeps their faith without the “proof” so many expect from science. You can seek reassurance from the bible and discover passages that will provide you with the examples of God’s work. A perfect example of a verse that will inspire us to strengthen our faith is Second Corinthians 4:16-18. Here they say that we must not lose heart despite the fact our body might be wasting away. It is our inner self that we are able to renew everyday. More importantly it reminds us all that the things we see, such as our bodies, are not as important as those which we cannot, such as our faith and our souls. Tangible things such as our bodies and material things are “transient” however the things which are unseen such as God and faith are eternal.

Bishop Bernard Jordan knows that God exists in the modern world and brings you comfort through modern means at Cyber Church Today. Visit to learn more.