Your state of mind and the current condition of your life has a lot to do with the company that you keep. What type of people do you spend your time with, and do they believe in God’s word? Are they people that complain and have negative attitudes, or are they faithful doers of God’s word? If you’re serious about changing the way you live, and receiving all the blessings that God has to offer, you should surround yourself with a company of prophets, and other spiritually minded people that can help you reach your goals through the word of God. Here are a few ways to ensure that you’re always in godly company.

Anoint Your Home

Through the power of the Holy Spirit, God gave you the authority to anoint your home and keep it spiritually clean. You should do this on a regular basis to keep bad spirits away from your property, and to invite the Holy Spirit to dwell in your household. This is one way to make sure that you’re surrounded not only by a company of prophets, but by individuals who believe the same as you, and follow the teachings of God’s word. This is an important step in spiritual growth, and keeping your mind on the word of the Lord is much easier when you’re surrounded by his people.

Pray Throughout the Day

It’s okay to talk to God throughout the day. You should not only take time to spend with Him when you’re on your knees praying in the morning or at night, but have small conversations with Him throughout the day. You’ll be surprised at how this can help to build your spiritual relationship, and help you to see and understand His vision for your life more clearly. This is highly recommended by prophets across the globe, and is one way to get closer to your heavenly Father.

You need to surround yourself with like-minded, spiritually grounded people that believe in the word of God as you do, in order to move up to your next spiritual level. Surround yourself with a company of prophets, and you will start to see the power of God move in your life. Be obedient to His word, and the windows of heaven will surely open up and pour out a blessing that you won’t have room enough to receive.

When you’re faced with a challenge, seek a company of prophets to help guide you in the right direction, based on a direct message from the word of God. Log on to Website Domain and learn how to surround yourself with the right people.