Whiteboards are useful things. They can help people organize ideas or needs, work on something in progress, or leave notes to themselves and others. Each of these roles is valuable. Being able to write down the parts of a work in progress somewhere big and visible can help an aspiring thinker or creator see how things work together and easily make changes and corrections. Let’s focus on the value of erasable mediums like whiteboards, and more importantly whiteboard wall paint for the process of outlining. One of the most underrated aspects of working is outlining. Whiteboard paint assists in this stage of the creation process by providing a large surface on which to outline and connect ideas while being easily erasable. Most people write by hand faster than they type, and the typed word looks rather official as compared to something hand written which is less intimidating to produce.

Outlining is one of the most important stages in crafting an idea, whether it’s a business proposal, an academic work or creative work like a novel or script. One professor in discussing the importance of a good outline said he would create a simple outline of each chapter subject and description, print it and tape it to his desk or computer, and then make a more complex version of it that contains each sub argument and citation. In academic writing it’s important to have a well built series of arguments around a core thesis, and in losing sight of how each step fits into that core thesis it’s possible to ruin an entire paper or book because the argument becomes disjointed. For creative works it helps focus the work around the narrative structure and guide towards the end goal of the story.

Authors are known for covering their work space with posted notes outlining characters or plot events so they have an idea up there that they like and can tweak it. Most often these steps are hand written either on whiteboards or on paper and somehow fixed to the wall for quick access. With whiteboard wall paint it’s possible to cover the whole wall like one would do with paper notes, but in a large easily read script.

A dry erase board allows one to literally step back to look at their idea. A large outline can help one see how each piece and stage is interconnected. It’s hard to fit an entire complex outline on a normal white board for home. They’re usually too small to put much beyond the core outline together in a text size big enough to read quickly. With whiteboard wall paint it’s possible to turn an entire wall into a work space. This would allow someone working on an outline to put the core outline on one side and the more complex ideas to the other. Having quick access to ideas can speed the process of actually writing or creating.

Wink’s clear finish turns any paintable surface into a place to write, erase, and repeat. Just grab a dry erase marker and start sharing ideas, organizing and creating, everywhere, without the limits of a whiteboard. To learn more about Wink and whiteboard wall paint, visit website email info@wallsloveink.com or call 800.632.9465.