Everyone dreams of some type of exotic vacation. While some may want to tour the ruins of Rome, others dream of being able to see wild animals in their natural habitat. If you dream of spending your holidays in untamed wilderness, you owe it to yourself to see the beauty of Africa. While there are other counties in which you can experience a safari, none of them have the beauty of Africa. An African Safari Specialist in Mclean can help to plan your trip.

Deciding when to go on safari, is dictated by the part of the country that you choose to visit. Weather and seasons differ greatly whether you are in Eastern Africa or in Southern Africa. Dry season provides greater viewing opportunities and better travel than rainy season. There are times during the year that experience great animal migrations. For example, this takes place in Kenya between July and September. You will be able to experience the zebra, gnu, and wildebeest descending onto the Mara plains. In Tanzania this migration takes place in Tanzania’s northern parks in March and April. The southern parks are best visited in June to November. Your travel specialist will be able to give you more suggestions, on your chosen part of the country.

Once you have decided on where to go and get ready to packed your bags. Your African Safari Specialist in Mclean will be able to give you a detailed list of any special items that you may need, but here are a few things to consider. While on safari, the dress code is informal. You will want to be as comfortable as you can be, while protecting your skin from the dirt, thorn, sunburn and bugs that will be present. Choose neutral colored clothing to take with you. Your goal will be to see that animals, not for them to see you. Your feet must be comfortable, and it is not a good time to break in a new pair of shoes. Do not forget to bring your binoculars, camera, chargers and other electronics. This will help you to record your trip of a lifetime.

While there are other counties in which you can experience a safari, none of them have the beauty of Africa. An African Safari Specialist in Mclean can help to plan your trip. Know more at Website URL.