It can be very frustrating when you need money urgently but are unable to get it. Walking into a bank and getting a loan is out of the question. This is mainly because of the tiresome process of applying for a loan. While no one plans for an emergency, they require money. Therefore, you have to find a quick way of accessing money. It is at such moments that a cash advance is helpful. You can access a loan that you can pay in a short period. The loan amounts are not high. They are from as low as fifty dollars to around fifteen hundred dollars. It takes an hour to process these loans. If you have an emergency, all you need to do is check if you qualify to apply for cash advance Reno. The question is what are the qualifications to get one? Some of the qualifications include:

  • Cash advance Reno is only available to permanent residents or US citizens. You must be able to produce proof that you are either. These institutions put very minimum requirements. It is very easy to qualify for their loans. This requirement is so that they can be sure that they can trace you. It is very risky to give loans to anybody outside the US. This is one of the first steps in the application process.
  • Age limit- The other requirement is that you must be over eighteen years. The implication is that you are an adult and are able to shoulder any responsibilities that come with the agreement. Therefore, you need to confirm that you have attained the age eighteen before making any transactions with the people that give cash advance loans.
  • Regular source of income- Since they do not demand for security, they require you to confirm that you have a regular job where you earn a salary that can act as security. The amount that you get as cash advance also depends on the salary that you earn. The more you earn, the more you are likely to get a bigger amount. Most people look at these loans as cash against your salary. The minimum income varies from one company to another but you have to be employed to be able to access the loans. This is a way for them to reduce the risk involved in giving loans.
  • Bank account- You have to have a US bank account that is in good standing. Unlike the banks, these cash advance companies do not do a full credit check like banks but they check your bank account to ensure that you will be able to pay. By not doing a credit check on their clients these companies offer a chance for many people to access fast cash during an emergency.

You need to know whether you qualify to get cash advance in Reno before you apply for one. You can get more information on this from Money in Minutes.