If you want to ship your vehicle many miles, you need to check several companies for an automobile shipping quote to get the best deal. Not all services are the same, and some cost more than others. However, it is possible to get a low price and still enjoy a safe and secure experience. Here are some tips for achieving this goal.
Shipping Options
When you apply for an automobile shipping quote, do you want the most secure shipping method or the cheapest? The truth is, the cheapest transport may not give you the kind of protection you really want and need. For instance, you can have your car shipped in an open trailer or one which is completely enclosed.
Enclose shipping is more expensive than open shipping, but you get much more protection for your money. For example, while inside an enclosed trailer, no road debris can make its way to your car. This kind of protection is invaluable.
Do you want maximum security? If so, it is very hard to steal or vandalize a vehicle if you cannot see it or get to it. This is the kind of security you enjoy when you choose the enclosed transport option for your vehicle.
Saving Money
Did you know you can get a lower automobile shipping quote from some services if you ship more than one vehicle at a time? Some companies offer multi-car shipping discounts, and this is an excellent way to save on your transport costs.
Enhanced Security
Before you choose a transport company, make sure to check out their insurance coverage. Ask the company for a copy of their insurance policy or specific details on their coverage. Check out the deductible amounts and remember not to leave things in the car. Most policies do not cover lost, stolen, or damaged possessions.