When meeting people for the first time, you want to make a good impression. You want to make sure your hair looks its best, your clothes are pressed and neat and your teeth are brushed and your smile looks perfect. But what about the person who has stains on their teeth that just won’t come off, no matter how many times you brush? For that person, Teeth Whitening in Chanhassen professionals are the person to go to.

A cosmetic dentist specializing in teeth whitening could be the person to give you back your confident smile once again. If the stains you’re looking at are yellow, you’re probably a good candidate for teeth whitening, as this type of problem is the easiest to solve. It’s best to talk with a professional at Molldrem Family Dentistry to receive professional advice as to the strength of peroxide and the regimen you should be taking. While some people do like to try the procedure at home, it’s best to have it done under the care of a cosmetic dentist. Toothpastes promising to whiten the teeth are rarely successful on their own. A dentist, however, can provide patients with an at-home whitening kit filled with the proper amount of bleaching solution sure to turn those yellow stains white again.

If your problem is a graying of the teeth, you may have a bit more trouble, however, with Amorphous Calcium Phosphate along with a fluoride and sensitivity treatment, it can be done. For stubborn stains, a dentist can use a laser procedure to whiten the teeth, lightening the gray to white. Typically, this is only done in the more difficult cases and when a person is in need of immediate whitening.

Once you’ve invested in the whitening procedure, it’s imperative you take good care of the teeth, lest you end back in the dentist chair having the same treatment again in a few weeks. Experts advise patients to give staining foods at least two days of rest before consuming. A good rule of thumb to remember is if it would stain your white shirt, it will stain your teeth. Another tip is to drink your beverages with a straw to keep the stain causing drinks away from your teeth.

Looking for Teeth Whitening in Chanhassen? Dr Molldrem have been working to provide family dental care for over 12 years. Contact Molldrem Family Dentistry at 952.974.5116.