If you are roofing or re-roofing your commercial building, considering green options with your Northern Virginia roofing company is a smart move. Modernization and industrialization have certainly made our lives much more convenient than ever. They have however taken a toll on the environment. The shocking statistics of global warming and depletion of energy resources have environmentalists all over the world worried. At a time like this, you can do your share for saving the environment by implementing more eco friendly ways. Green roofs do exactly this. They save energy, conserve the environment and also give you a high return on investment by saving a significant amount of money in energy bills.

What Green Roofing Options Are Available For Northern Virginia Roofing

A green roof is a roof that helps the environment in one way or another. It could do so by reducing the energy consumption of the building in terms of electricity and fuel. This is effectively achieved by solar paneled roofs and roofs that provide efficient insulation.

Another kind of green roof is a roof with vegetation. In this kind of roofing, a layer of vegetation is grown on the roof with the help of appropriate waterproofing and good support strength. Roofs with vegetation have numerous advantages for the environment and also provide a great aesthetic appeal to the building.

Northern Virginia Roofing – Advantages Of Green Roofs

Green roofs offer innumerable advantages over conventional Northern Virginia roofing. A phenomenon called the ‘city heat island effect’ is increasingly on the rise these days wherein the temperature of a specific area in the city increases too much due to its industrial pollution. Green roofs significantly bring this effect down and help keep not just your building but the entire city cool.

Another major advantage that green roofing solutions offer you as a consumer are the greatly reduced energy bills. If you have a green roof that provides you effective insulation from the harsh heat of the sun, you end up spending a whole lot lesser on your air conditioning. This way, you can really save a significant amount of money in the long run.

Saving money in air conditioning isn’t just good for you but also for the environment. Weather your air conditioning depends on electricity or oil and gas systems, these are both exhaustible sources of energy and need to be conserved. This can be easily achieved by green solutions for Northern Virginia roofing.

Northern Virginia Roofing – Solar Roofs

A huge amount of sun’s energy hits our roofs and is reflected whereby it’s not only wasted but also contributes to the heat island effect. By installing solar panels on roofs, a building can generate up to 70% of its own energy and become a self powered building and at the same time, significantly help the environment. So do your bit for the environment by choosing greener options for Northern Virginia roofing.

You can approach the best Northern Virginia roofing company for efficient green roofing solutions. If you believe in the future of the planet, just visit osroofing.com to find out more.