Mentioning tradition and Winchester in the same sentence might make the more literal minded people think about the historic cathedral City of Winchester in the south of England, UK; but, the south of England has absolutely no traditions relating to the growing of tobacco and little to do with making of cigars. Obviously we either have the wrong Winchester or we are not looking at cigars; neither little ones nor cigars of any size for that matter.

The Winchester Repeater Rifle was “The Gun that Won the West”

However, it would be difficult to aim any sort of rifle while puffing away on a cigar; undoubtedly the Winchester rifle can be said to be part of American tradition; but, not when linked to cigar smoking. However, there is a city in Virginia that many claim to be historic – European settlers started to arrive in that area around 1729 and Winchester, Virginia received its city charter in 1752 (only three places had become cities earlier); so, Winchester VA definitely has tradition on its side. Virginia itself went on to become a major center for the American tobacco growing industry; could this be the link to cigar tradition? Possibly, but; Virginia tobacco does not have a strong tradition of being used for cigar production; let alone any Winchester Little Cigars.

How About North Carolina?

They may have been growing tobacco earlier in Virginia; but, there is no doubt that the Carolinas took over in terms of importance. At the start of this; one R. J. Reynolds (the son of a Virginian tobacco grower); sold up and moved to Winston-Salem in North Carolina where he set up his own tobacco business in 1875. The company he started has been subjected to various acquisitions and mergers; but, still basically exists today; so, the Reynolds tobacco business can be said to be steeped in tradition – even though, historically, it was more to do with cigarettes than cigars.

The 1970’s

This was the time of moon landings and disco dancing; both of which have since entered America tradition. It was also a time when government legislation started to make an impact on the tobacco industry; especially by way of increased taxation and restrictions on advertising. However, a body of opinion maintained that the health issues were more to do with cigarette smoking than cigar smoking; a suggestion that led to cigars carry a lower tax burden than cigarettes.

Reynolds were one of the first tobacco companies to hit upon idea of producing a cigar of similar size to their cigarettes that could be sold at a similar price and be advertised as incorporating the safer tradition of cigar smoking. The idea proved popular and, today, some 40+ years later, their Winchester Little Cigars are still being promoted as an American original and part of our tradition.

Fed up with trekking round stores looking for one that stocks Winchester Little Cigars? Why not switch to online purchasing and have them delivered to your door? The online store of BnB tobacco at would be a good place to start.