When you’re looking for a contractor in the Twin Cities, there are many options to choose from. Simply open up the phone book and you can find hundreds or even thousands of them. But how do you know which ones you can trust to do the job right, on time and within the specified budget? Here are some tips to help you find trustworthy remodeling Twin Cities contractors for your kitchen, bathroom or other home remodeling project.

One of the main ways you can keep your remodeling Twin Cities contractors accountable is by insisting on getting written estimates before you let them do any work. The written estimates should be on the company’s letterhead and it should include the materials that will be needed for the job, the cost of labor and even a timeframe for the completed project. If a contractor isn’t willing to provide this for you, they probably aren’t very trustworthy so you should move on to the next one on your list.

Trustworthy contractors guarantee their work. They might not guarantee it for long, but they should provide some guarantee on the materials and workmanship. Most reputable remodeling contractors offer at least 90 days on the work and materials while others may offer 120 days or even a year depending on the remodeling project that you are having done.

If your contractor is insisting that you pay for the job in cash, there’s a good chance that they are not very trustworthy. Your remodeling Twin Cities contractors should allow you to pay with check or credit card because cash is just too risky. Also, if they ask you to pay for the entire job upfront, that’s another good sign that they are not as reputable as you might want them to be. Most contractors will ask for certain percentage upfront for materials and then periodic payments throughout the process.

Today’s remodeling contractors should have a license for doing business and for doing the work that you hire them to do. Many of the more trustworthy ones will bring a copy of their license with them when giving you an estimate so you can see that they are legitimate and reputable. If your remodeling Twin Cities contractors won’t show you their license, move on to the next company on your list or else you could be asking for some frustrations and hassles down the road.

Remodeling Twin Cities – When you’re searching for a reputable and trustworthy Twin Cities remodeling company, the experts at Heritage Remodeling have the knowledge and expertise for most projects around your home.