Most visits to the dentist are brought about when the patient experiences toothaches. Toothaches occur when the nerve root in the tooth is irritated. A toothache is a warning sign that indicates several possibilities. Tooth decay, dental abscess, damaged fillings, tooth fracture and infected gums are some of the possible causes for aches and pain.

Tooth decay is a commonly prevalent condition among children and adults. Cavities occur when the outer tooth structure is destroyed by dental caries. Bacteria that exist in the mouth, act on the carbohydrates that remain on the surface of teeth and convert them to acids. Acids eat away at the enamel and dentin. Plaque is formed as a combination of bacteria, food debris, saliva and acids that accumulate at the base of teeth. Plaque is a sticky, pale yellow biofilm that fosters colonies of bacteria and create holes called caries or cavities. Flossing and brushing regularly, and in the appropriate way, can remove plaque and improve oral health, preventing caries and gum disease. Cavities are detected by dentists during checkups or in a dental X-ray.

When the caries are in an advanced state, visible holes or pits can be observed. The patient often feels pain or sensitivity when consuming hot or cold foods and sweets. The treatment for dental caries is fillings, if the extent of decay is not extensive. Fillings consist of materials metals like gold, silver alloy, or porcelain, composite resin and other tooth colored substances.

Older adults can experience tooth pain when fillings deteriorate over time. The edges of the cavity fillings can decay gradually. Adults also experience a condition known as recession of gum tissue. Receding gums associated with gingivitis (gum disease) can cause tooth roots to being exposed to plaque.

When little tooth structure remains after the decaying effects of caries, the dentist can suggest the insertion of a crown. The weak and decayed structure is removed and replaced by a crown made of gold, porcelain or other related materials.

In certain cases, the decay reaches the nerve root or pulp. The dentist would then advise the patient opt for a root canal treatment. In an RCT (Root canal treatment) the pulp, nervous tissue, blood vessels and other tissues are removed from the center of the tooth along with the decayed structure. A sealing material is used to fill up the cavity inside the center of the tooth and a crown may be placed over the fillings. Virginia Beach residents can rely on local dentists for fast response to tooth aches and dental emergencies.

Fillings Virginia Beach – If you seek dental fillings, Virginia Beach based VB Cosmetic Dentistry offers care and attention from experienced professionals. They will help restore your teeth to an attractive, healthy state.