You’ve likely seen the movies and heard the stories about people trapped in elevators, or falling elevators, or people getting crushed in elevators, or people walking into a black void when they thought an elevator was there and falling to their demise twelve stories below. The number of deaths or severe injuries that occur in elevators may be disproportionate to reality; however, 17,000 in the United States suffer injuries in elevators and escalators every year. Of that number, 30 people are killed. A good percentage of these accidents happen here in Vermont. It may be advantageous to know that elevator injuries and wrongful deaths can be pursued and compensation through the help of an injury lawyer in Burlington, VT.

Some frightening situations really have occurred to people in elevator accidents, including sudden plummeting drops. (And, no, if you somehow have the time to jump as you are falling and land on your feet after the elevator hits the ground you will not save yourself from the force of impact.) Sudden acceleration also can occur, causing people to lose balance and hurt themselves. Doors can get stuck, refuse to close, or, just like in the movie, open on empty shafts which endanger anyone who thoughtlessly walks out or falls out. An injury lawyer in Burlington, VT can take cases where doors close on people, severing limbs or breaking bones, when someone does plummet down the shaft, or becomes trapped between the elevator and wall, or has to spend hours or even days in an elevator due to it being stuck.

People have been decapitated in elevators; victims have suffered fractures, amputations, paralysis, electrocution, head injuries, neck and back injuries, and more. Property owners are usually also at fault in such cases due to premises liability. They are responsible for appropriate maintenance of elevators. The consequences can be nearly immeasurable, especially if death results, including medical expenses and various psychological difficulties that often result from these kinds of traumas.

While there are many safety measures involved in the operation of elevators, usually the causes of malfunction are due to negligence on the part of the building owner, or whoever is responsible for the system. If maintenance is not done on a regular schedule, including safety inspections, injured parties likely have the right to pursue compensation due to a lack of safety in elevator design, faulty wiring, or other malfunctions. An injury lawyer in Burlington, VT can fully investigate the history of a particular elevator, and aggressively pursue compensation and if necessary damages in court.

Injury lawyer Burlington VT – David Lynch is a personal injury lawyer in Burlington, VT who has provided aggressive legal representation for his clients in a full range of personal injury claims for over twenty years.