According to popular celebrity news website TMZ, Kim Kardashian spent $100,000 on handbags at Hermes Paris in September 2010. She was reported to have bought six leather Hermes Birkins for around $10,000 each and another handbag in crocodile leather, which was stipulated to have cost Kim $30,000. Considering the size of the bags and the material, the pricing seems to be just about right. But that also makes these designer bags way beyond the reach of most of us, who don’t have Kardashian for a last name. The good news is that you can now shop online for pre-owned and refurbished discount designer purses.

Things to Consider Before Buying a Discount Designer Purse

Here are some factors that you should consider before buying a discount designer purse in order to ensure that you get your money’s worth:

  1. Size

Established retailers receive an extensive variety of handbags in different sizes to suit the varying requirements of their clients. The first step for you, therefore, is to decide what size of bag you are looking for. What all you intend to carry in the bag can be one indicator of the size preferred. You can then choose from mid-sized handbags by Chanel to the Jumbo-sized Hermes Birkin.

  1. Purpose

It would be a faux pas to walk the red carpet with a satchel, just as it would be embarrassing being caught at the supermarket with a Jimmy Choo clutch. So, identify the occasions or places you want to carry the handbag to. If you are looking for something to take to office, an official Burberry, a Hermes Birkin in plush black or a tote from Chanel or Gucci would be ideal. However, if you are planning a night out, consider a Chanel 2.55/flap handbag.

  1. Style

The larger retail stores are likely to stock everything from vintage handbags to the most recent line launched by a designer. Think of what would complement you and help you make a style statement. If you think the classic look suits you the most, perhaps you can sign up for a vintage Chloe Silverado. On the other hand, if you think bright colors are your thing, try Dooney and Burke’s signature neon handbags.

  1. Celebrity

If you can’t stop admiring the sense of style of your favorite celebrity and want to own a discount designer purse just like her, consider looking for pre-owned handbags. There are several retailers who receive consignments from celebrities. Simply sign up with such a retailer and they will notify you as soon as they will receive anything from the specified celebrity.

So, look and feel like a celebrity at the next event you attend with a discount designer purse from a credible online retailer.

If you want to buy an authentic discount designer purse at an affordable price, visit They have been referred to as one of the best retail shops for a wide variety of authentic luxury handbags by Forbes, Time, Vogue and many other magazines. They offer prompt shipping and delivery services across almost all parts of the world.