Divorce is a trying time for any family. The termination of an intimate relationship is not easy whatever the circumstances may be. The dissolution of the marriage becomes even more difficult and challenging when children are involved. Child support and custody are two of the main concerns once a marriage fails. If you are going through a divorce, consult a divorce lawyer as soon as possible to protect your rights to visit and access your children.

In a number of states the courts can order the parties undergoing divorce, annulment or legal separation proceedings to go through conciliation procedures. States like Ohio require that couples with minor children should seek family counseling for a reasonable time period during the proceedings. Counseling can result in last minute settlement of disputes and avoid the divorce. The court can designate the name of the counselor, type and duration of counseling and any other requirement.

You can approach a divorce lawyer on the following statutory grounds in states like Ohio:

  • Bigamy
  • Desertion or willful absence of one party for the length of one year
  • Adultery
  • Fraudulent contract
  • Extreme cruelty
  • Gross neglect of duty
  • Habitual drunkenness
  • Imprisonment
  • Incompatibility or irreconcilable differences

Several other statutes in the state also permit grounds for divorce. For more information about seeking a legal termination of your marriage, consult an experienced divorce lawyer.

Obligations and duties towards children and parental responsibilities and rights are some of the prime concerns of your divorce. Another complicated matter that only a divorce lawyer can help you solve is the division of the property. States can be “equitable distribution” states or “community property” states. If you are living in a state that practices the equitable distribution of assets, both the parties in the divorce will get an equitable, if not equal, share in the assets. The court determines what the marital property is comprised of and what constitutes the separate property.

The court considers a number of contributory factors when considering the distribution and division of marital property. The factors that are thought relevant are:

  • Length of the marriage
  • The assets and debts accumulated by the spouses
  • Whether to award the party with legal custody of the children the marital residence or the right to reside in the marital residence
  • The liquidity of the assets being distributed
  • The financial benefit of preserving an intact property or interest in a property/asset
  • Any tax consequences to the spouses on property divisions
  • Retirement benefits

When facing the uncertainties ahead, contact an experienced divorce lawyer. Avon, OH residents can find qualified professionals in the area.

Divorce Lawyer Avon OHWhen looking for a divorce lawyer, Avon, OH residents can trust The Law Office of Paul M. Kocsis for quality advice. Call 440-724-0779 and avail of a free consult.