A speeding ticket in Milwaukee has long lasting effects on your driving record. Under the laws of Wisconsin, points are assessed against your driving record. The nature of the infraction or traffic violation determines the number of points given to you. When you simply pay a ticket you receive, you are pleading guilty, and automatically the points will be assessed against your driving records. Insurance companies review driving records and use the information, especially points, when determine your insurance rates.

Wisconsin Point System

The point system in Wisconsin is straightforward. It should be noted however, that you can be assessed points from multiple categories depending if you are cited for multiple violations. Points are awarded depending on the severity of the traffic offense, and start with two points and rise to six points. Below is a breakdown of the infractions and the points against your license if convicted.

Two Point Violations

  • Inoperable or defective speedometer in vehicle
  • Parking in traffic lane
  • Depriving another vehicle from use of full lane

Three Point Violations

  • Violation of traffic control
  • Driving wrong way on one way street
  • Failure to dim headlights
  • Failure to use signal properly
  • Tailgating
  • Illegal passing
  • Driving without a valid license
  • Speeding 1-10 mph over limit

Four Point Violations

  • Weaving in traffic or leaving your lane
  • Driving on wrong side of a highway, street, or byway
  • Failure to yield
  • Failure to yield to emergency vehicle
  • Driving too fast for road conditions
  • Inattentive driving
  • Failure to stop for school bus with flashing red lights
  • Aggressive and unnecessary acceleration
  • Speeding 11-19 mph over limit

Six Point Violations

  • Eluding a police office
  • Failure to give aid after an accident
  • Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs
  • Drag racing
  • Reckless driving
  • Driving with suspended or revoked driver’s license
  • Speeding 20 mph or more over limit

With an aggressive defense of a speeding ticket in Milwaukee, often you can plead down the violation and save yourself points on your driving record. Any 12 points assessed in a 12 month period results in the suspension of your driver’s license. This can adversely affect your ability to work and earn your living.

It is essential to hire legal representation after you have been cited for a traffic violation. Points quickly and easily add up and will cost you hundreds or thousands of dollars in raised insurance premiums. If you have been cited for a speeding ticket in Milwaukee, contact an attorney today.

If you have 12 points or more assessed against your driving record in any 12-month period, your driver’s license will be suspended. A speeding ticket in Milwaukee can cost you thousands of dollars in fines and insurance premiums. Contact an attorney experienced in handling traffic violations if you receive a ticket in Milwaukee.