Considered as a former of alternative medicine, chiropractic treatment is popular in the healing of many primary health conditions. The incidence of low back pain (often stress related) is very high in America. Low back pain affects around 80% of Americans at some point during their lifetimes. Chiropractic therapy can assist for long term benefits and pain relief with specific spinal adjustments that can alleviate pain in the upper back, lower back and neck region. A chiropractor concentrates on treating the health of the spine. The skilled practitioner can reduce the effect of scoliosis, osteoarthritits or osteoporosis. Treatment may involve manual therapy, where the practitioner manipulates the spine, other joints and soft tissues to achieve the desired effect. Used often in conjunction with exercise, massage and ice therapy chiropractic treatment is in use extensively in US, Canada and Australia. After medicine and dentistry it is the third largest health profession in the US. Most physical rehabilitation facilities offer physical therapy, osteopathy, massage therapy and chiropractic therapy for pain relief. Those who consult a practitioner mainly do so for low back pain.
The philosophy of chiropractic treatment includes the following points of view:
- Reductionism in chiropractic practices reduces causes and cures of ailments to a single factor, vertebral subluxation
- Conservatism is concerned with evaluating the risk and analyzing potential benefit of clinical interventions. The aim of the chiropractor would be to minimize the risk by avoiding surgery and medication, through using non-invasive techniques.
- Chiropractic early philosophy introduced the idea of “innate intelligence” which is now considered to be a metaphor of homeostasis or – the body’s inherent ability to heal itself.
- There are two different proponents of chiropractic treatment: straights and mixers. Straights tend to use the approach that focuses on the chiropractor’s perspective and the treatment model, mixers focus on the patient and patient’s situation.
Although popular in the treatment of many disorders and for pain management, US laws forbid chiropractors from performing major surgery or writing medical prescriptions. Recently however, New Mexico has become the first state to allow “advanced practice” trained practitioners to prescribe certain medications. In Oregon, licensed chiropractors are permitted to perform minor surgeries and deliver babies through natural childbirth. In the US, insurers usually cover chiropractic care. The practitioners practice in many rehabilitation clinics and private chambers. Sometimes the therapy is used in combination with homeopathy and acupuncture. In instances of low back pain you can consult a chiropractor. Philadelphia residents can use the professional expertise of a practitioner at many rehab centers and clinics.
Chiropractor Philadelphia – When suffering from low back pain, consult a chiropractor. Philadelphia-based Oxford Rehab offers a wide range of care techniques with state of the art facilities.