Today, women everywhere love to purchase gently used designer handbags and purses. What better way to get the designer item you have always wanted without paying full retail price? There are many women who purchase bags for one-time use or only use a few times and then do not have a use for it. Rather than letting it sit in their closet collecting dust, they consign Hermes handbags with online stores. You don’t have to live within close distance to these establishments; with a few easy steps, you can sell your designer bags and make a quick profit.

Find the Right Store

The first step to selling your pre-owned designer handbags is to find the right store that will consign Hermes handbags. You should look for stores that sell pre-owned high-end bags in the first place. It doesn’t make sense to try to sell your high-end bag at a store that doesn’t normally sell expensive items. The store will not draw the right clientele that would desire to purchase a Hermes purse.

Know Your Price

It is best to be aware of the price you think you want to consign a Hermes bag. You can determine this by looking around at various stores to see what they are selling the bag for and make your decision from there. Each bag will have a different value, and the price each consignment store will pay will differ as well. Before you send your items off to be sold, talk with the staff of your chosen store to determine the value they think is right for your bag. You should also know what percentage of that price you will receive because the store will keep a portion as well.


Once you determine you have found the store you are going to use to sell your bag, you should fill out a contract. Take the time to carefully read it over to ensure you know everything about how the process will work. Make sure there is a statement about how and when you will get paid. There should also be a statement about how long the store will try to sell your bag before they send it back to you.

If you are tired of unused bags taking up space in your closet, you can find a store that offers to consign Hermes handbags. There are several stores online; however, it is important to choose wisely to ensure your purse sells and you get what it is worth.

Looking forward to learning more information about consign Hermes? Visit