When someone is accused of a crime, they may be taken to jail. Once this happens, they must guarantee they will appear in court to receive a fair trial. While most people will return to the court as they want to be exonerated, some will decide to run away. Many times the criminals are the ones who decide to run rather than face what they have done. Innocent people don’t mind standing trial as they are confident of their involvement or lack of involvement. Posting a bail bond in Auburn is the only way that a person can leave prison with the promise to return.

At the hearing, a judge will decide if you are able to return home after bail is posted or if you are forced to remain in prison. In the majority of first time offenders or minor crimes, the accused will be allowed to return home if they promise to return. While some people can be trusted based on their word alone, a judge will require money be put down as a bail bond in Auburn. Usually about 10% of the bail must be paid up front to have the person released from jail. The remaining amount becomes due if they do not appear in court. This ensures the court system that the accused will return for their trial.

If however the person has committed numerous crimes or has committed a serious offense, they may not be granted the ability to return home. The judge can decide if the accused can post bail bond in Auburn or if they are forced to stay in prison due to the severity of their crimes or if they have run in the past. Most criminals who offend once will do it again and the judge knows this. Repeat offenders can sometimes escalate in their crime severity and the judge must heavily weigh the type of crime and the ties of the accused to their present life. If a person has a passport and lots of money, the judge may require a higher bail bond in Auburn and surrendering of their passport. This gives the court some extra security that says the accused will most likely not run to another country but will stay and face their accusers. Everyone has a right to a fair trial; this includes the accusers and the accused.

In order to get out of jail, Bail Bond in Auburn must be posted in a percentage of the total amount due. Various bondsmen will require different amounts. Bail Bond in Auburn helps the court secure the accused will return for trial.