Health insurance is meant to protect you from financial troubles when you face major expenses because of health issues. It is one of the most essential and mandatory backups that a person should have. However, statistics tell a different story. In the United States, 26,000 people die every year because they cannot afford medical treatment and have no insurance to back them up. Despite mass campaigning about the importance of health insurance, about 50 million people in the United States do not have this policy.

One of the major reasons for these alarming figures is the cost involved. High premiums and other terms and conditions make these policies too expensive for a lot of people. Nevertheless, there are things you can do to reduce insurance rates. If you stay in California and know about the major factors which affect health insurance rates, you can do something about them and enjoy lower premiums.

* Your age

Age is one of the major factors that influence insurance rates. If you want to save some money, you should buy a policy as early in life as possible. The older you get, the more expensive the policy is and higher are the premiums that you will have to pay. According to experts, beginning with students’ health insurance is a smart decision.

*Your health

Naturally, your health matters when it comes to health insurance rates in California or in any other part of the world. People who suffer inherent diseases such as hypertension, arthritis, genetic disorders, diabetes, cardiac ailments and other such chronic diseases have to bear higher rates because the risk to their health is higher. A history of frequent hospitalization or doctor visits increases the rate.

* Your weight

If your Body Mass Index (BMI) falls under the normal range of the standard BMI scale, insurance rates are lower, provided you do not suffer any other kind of chronic inherent diseases. Insurance rates are higher for both obese and underweight people. In short, the farther your BMI is from the normal range, higher will be the premium you have to pay.

* Your habits and lifestyle

Smokers, alcoholics and drug abusers have to shell out a bomb for health insurance. So, if you are seriously thinking about ways to lower your health insurance rates, quit your bad habits. People who live sedentary lives or live a life which poses high risk on health have to bear higher costs. The logic is simple. If your bad habits and unhealthy lifestyle make you sick, why should the insurance company bear the cost?

There is a very ironic yet very profound food for thought involved here. Health insurance rates are higher for people who are unhealthy and ironically, these are the ones who really require a backup. In comparison, people who are healthier and who might not need insurance as much, enjoy lower rates. On a positive note, this should encourage people to get healthier and fitter, if only to cut down on health insurance costs!

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