A cigar should not be considered as “just a smoke”; something that you pop out of the office with for a five minute smoke break. Cigars are meant to be experienced and savoured. If one is tempted to call a cigarette smoker an addict to tobacco; then a cigar smoker could be considered an aficionado. With cigarettes; it is all about the smoke and the small hit, from the nicotine in that smoke, that gets to smoker’s brain each time they inhale.

Many cigar smokers do not really inhale their smoke; they roll it around their mouths to gain satisfaction from the taste and, to a lesser extent the bouquet of the cigar smoke in the air. A cigar aficionado might tell you that comparing cigarettes to cigars is no different than comparing grape juice to a fine vintage wine.

Most Cigars Are Good; But Only The Select Few Are Premium

Cigars have come a long way from the days when indigenous people picked some leaves off a tobacco plant, dried them in the sun; rolled them into a loose bundle (small enough to put in the mouth); and then set fire to the tobacco so that they could suck in the smoke. Selected plant breeding has developed better leaves; horticultural knowledge has led to growing the tobacco under the best possible climate conditions in the best possible soil. However, it is what happens to the leaves after they have been harvested that makes the most significant step in the evolution of the cigar.

After harvesting; care must be taken to remove moisture and sugars so that the drying leaves do not rot; this is the curing stage which can take anything from 25 to 50days and is usually carried out in storage sheds or barns. Curing is followed by fermentation to enhance the flavour, aroma and burning quality of the finished tobacco. The time taken for this can vary from manufacturer to manufacturer; but, once ready, the tobacco leaves are sorted for purpose. A cigar is 100% tobacco; some leaves form the outer wrapper while a blend of leaves will be used for the filler (the part that is the body of the cigar).

For premium cigars; several varieties of tobacco will be used (often harvested from different localities) and the cigar itself will usually be rolled by hand. With all this loving care and attention; a premium cigar will never be cheap; therefore, should you see Discount Premium Cigars on offer; check that they are genuine and, if so (and the price is right);buy as many as you can afford – but take care to store them properly.

If you are searching for Discount Premium Cigars; browse the website for CigarCell.com at http://www.cigarcell.com/. They guarantee genuine, well known brands at prices that will amaze you.