Pre employment drug testing is getting wide acceptance from different organizations in the US and all over the world. It is conducted to test drug abuse of the job seekers before they are offered employment by the organization. By conducting pre employment drug testing, the employer can filter out those job applicants who test positive for the drug test. This can assist organizations in creating drug free work environments and work towards enhanced productivity from their employees.

Drug abuse has led to many problems that are causing employee tardiness, absenteeism, attitudinal problems, productivity loss, theft and all sorts of crimes and violence.

Pre employment drug testing is a good step towards protecting the health and safety of employees. Combined with random drug testing, it can be an effective method of detecting drug abuse in the workplace. It contributes in creating a positive employee relationship, delivers significant cost saving by enhancing productivity and provides organizations with a competitive advantage.

Employers usually utilize standard five-panel drug test for detecting Marijuana, PCP, Cocaine, Amphetamine and Opiates. A few organizations request a ten-panel test which also includes detection of controlled substances such as Benzodiazepines, Barbiturates, Methadone, Propoxyphene and Methaqualone.

All consumed drugs normally stay in the body system for 2 to 4 days. In case of regular and frequent users, drug results can be detected positively for up to 14 days or more. Hair tests enable detection of drugs up to 3 months.

Laboratories use an extensive process for confirmation of a positive result. These results are critically reviewed by the Medical Review Officer (MRO), before releasing the pre employment drug test report. A person subjected to a drug test has the right to ask for re-testing of the original sample at a different laboratory. For this purpose laboratories do retain samples that test positive.

A survey report reveals that 80% of organizations have been requiring their employees to participate in workplace drug testing. Workplace drug testing helps in identifying drug users and enables the organization to initiate suitable steps in the interest of employees and the organization as a whole.

Workplace drug testing involves three types of tests; urine test, saliva test and hair/hair follicle test. Some employer’s use instant kits to obtain rapid results. Instant results that indicate any drugs in the person’s system are sent to the laboratory for confirmation.

The Urine test is the most commonly used test for checking for drug use. Hair/hair follicle testing provides more accurate and reliable results even if the user has consumed the drug in the previous 60 – 90 days. A Saliva test is not frequently used since it provides results for drugs consumed only in the last few days.

AMC has been providing pre employment drug testing, alcohol testing, onsite drug testing, employee background check and screening services nationwide since 1993.