There has been a lot of debate over whether it is ethical to conduct a drug test on prospective and existing employees of an organization. Ever since the practice of screening candidates for drugs started a few decades back, there have been a lot of controversies with some people claiming that it is indeed unjustifiable to take performance enhancing drugs whereas others claim that any kind of random drug testing is a severe infringement of personal privacy.

While debates can go on and on, it has been proven that a drug-free atmosphere can significantly improve employee productivity and quality of work. Also, companies stand to lose out on both time and money if they employ people who use drugs or are into any kind of substance abuse. Although there is an expense associated with drug tests, it is seen as a one-time investment which pays off in the future. Companies will, in the long run, save hundreds of dollars on time spent, health care, and compensation.

So what are the different kinds of drugs that are detectable in a regular pre employment drug test? A laboratory analysis of urine is likely to be able to determine usage of commonly available drugs including marijuana or THC, PCP, amphetamines and methamphetamines, and opiates such as cocaine, morphine, and codeine, and many, many more.

Methods of pre employment drug screening:

* Laboratory test – This requires employees to visit a clinic to get their urine collected and send to a certified laboratory to get their sample tested. It is one of the most basic methods of drug testing and can be completed in as little as 24 hours. In cases where drugs are detected at the laboratory, the urine is put through further analysis to determine a quantitative level of the specific kinds of drug(s) that particular individual has used.

* Drug test kits – Nowadays instant drug test kits are widely available. These tests can be used as “screening” test, meaning that if this screening test indicates drugs in the system, the sample needs to be sent to a certified laboratory for further analysis to determine a quantitative level of the specific kinds of drug(s) that particular individual has used.

The law regarding drug testing varies from one state to the other. While the federal law does not prohibit any kind of drug screening, many States have restrictions on random drug testing. However, companies regularly use the pre employment drug testing process to detect drug problems in employees and help keep the work environment safe.

If you need to carry out pre employment drug screening, get the most reliable results from